



日期:2024-08-13 点击数: 来源:











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2011.09-2017.06 吉林大学 化学学院 博士

2007.09-2011.06 吉林大学 化学学院 学士


2024.2 -现在    吉林大学 糖果派对  副教授

2019.07-2023.06 中国科学院化学研究所、山东大学  博士后

2017.09-2019.06 深圳大学  博士后






Li, Z.B.; Yu, Fan.; Xu, X.; Wang, T.H.; Fei, J.B.; Hao, J.C.; Li, J.B. Photozyme-Catalyzed Oxidative Phosphorylation Based on ATP Synthase Reconstituted Nanoarchitecture. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 20907-20912. 封面文章 (Impact Factor: 15.0, 中科院一区)

Xu, X.; Li, Z.B.; Zhao, J.; Liu, Y.L.; Xu, Y.; Jia, Y.; Li, J.B. Catalase Conjugated Rose Bengal Biological Nanoparticles with Mitochondria Selectivity toward Photodynamic Therapy. CCS Chem. 2023, 5, 2023, 145, 20907-20912. (Impact Factor: 11.2, 中科院一区, 共同第一作者)

Liu, Y.L.; Li, Z.B.; Xu, Y.; Xu, X.; Zhao, J.; Cui, W.; Li, J.B. Ion-Induced Nanoarchitectonics for Anthraquinone Single Crystals with Enhanced Fluorescence Properties. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2024, 16, 9436-9442. (Impact Factor: 10.4, 中科院一区, 共同第一作者)

Li, Z.B.; Xu, X.; Yu, F.C.; Fei, J.B.; Li, Q.; Dong, M.D.; Li, J.B. Oriented Nanoarchitectonics of Bacteriorhodopsin for Enhancement of ATP Generation of FoF1-ATPase Based Assembly System. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202116220. (Impact Factor: 16.8, 中科院一区)

Li, Z.B.; Liu, Q.; Zhang, D.L.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.G.; Li, Q.; Dong, M.D. Probing the Hydration Friction of Ionic Interface at the Atomic Scale. Nanoscale Horiz. 2022, 7, 368-375. 封面文章 (Impact Factor: 11.7, 中科院一区)

Li, Z.B.; Liu, Q.; Li, Q.; Dong, M.D. The Role of Hydrated Anions in Hydration Lubrication. Nano Research. 2023, 16, 1096-1100. (Impact Factor: 10.3, 中科院一区)

Li, Z.B.; Li, H.N.; Liu, L.; Ding D.; Li J.N.; Yao H.Z.; Chen, F.M.; Wang, Y.; Shi, Y.M. Self-Powered Perovskite/CdS Heterostructure Photodetectors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019, 11, 40204-40213. (Impact Factor: 10.4, 中科院一区)

Li, Z.B.; Li J.N.; Ding D.; Yao H.Z.; Liu, L.; Gong, X.; Tian, B.B.; Li, H.N.; Su, C.L.; Shi, Y.M. Direct Observation of Perovskite Photodetector Performance Enhancement by Atomically Thin Interface Engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018, 10, 36493-36504. (Impact Factor: 10.4, 中科院一区)

Pam, M.Er.; Li, Z.B.; Ang, Y.S.; Shi, Y.M.; Geng, D.C.; Huang, S.Z.; Zhao, X.X.; Pennycook, S.J.; Yao, H.Z.; Gong, X.; Ang, L.K.; Yang, H.Y. Thermal-Assisted Vertical Electron Injections in Few-Layer Pyramidal-Structured MoS2 Crystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 1292-1299. (共同一作,  Impact Factor: 6.9)

10 Li, Z.B.; Zhang, X.M.; Ye, S.S.; Zhang, J.N.; Wang, T.Q.; Fang, L.P.; Zhang, J.H.; Yang, B. The Fabrication of Long-Range Ordered Nanocrescent Structures Based on Colloidal Lithography and Parallel Imprinting. Nanotechnology 2013, 24, 105307 (9pp). (Impact Factor: 4.0)

11 Li, Z.B.; Nan, J.J.; Zhang, X.M.; Ye, S.S.; Shen, H.Z.; Wang, S.L.; Fang, L.P.; Xue, P.H.; Zhang, J.H.; Yang, B. Modulate the Morphology and Spectroscopic Property of Gold Nanoparticle Arrays by Polymer-Assisted Thermal Treatment. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2015, 119, 11839-11845. (Impact Factor: 4.2)

12 Li, Z.B.; Li, Z.S.; Wu Y.T.; Nan, J.J.; Wang, H.Y.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, J.H.; Yang, B. Tuning the Bandgap of Graphene Quantum Dots by Gold Nanoparticle-Assisted O2 Plasma Etching. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 97853-97860. (Impact Factor: 4.0)

13 Li, Z.B.; Wu, Y.T.; Nan, J.J.; Tang, X.D.; Zhang, J.H.; Yang, B. Wrinkled Single-Layer Graphenes Fabricated by Silicon Nanopillar Arrays. Nanotechnology 2016, 27, 475304 (10pp). (Impact Factor: 4.0)



Zhang, X.M.; Li, Z.B.; Ye, S.S.; Wu, S.; Zhang, J.H.; Cui, L.Y.; Li, A.R.; Wang, T.Q.; Li, S.Z.; Yang, B. Elevated Ag Nanohole Arrays for High Performance Plasmonic Sensors Based on Extraordinary Optical Transmission. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 8903-8910. (Impact Factor: 5.3)

Zhang, D.L.; Li, Z.B.; Klausen, L.H.; Li, Q.; Dong, M.D. Friction Behaviors of Two-Dimensional Materials at the Nanoscale. Mater. Today Phys. 2022, 2, 100771. (Impact Factor: 11.0, 中科院一区)

Du, X.H.; Chen, Z.L.; Li, Z.B.; Hao, H.X.; Zeng, Q.S.; Dong, C.W.; Yang, B. Dip-Coated Gold Nanoparticle Electrodes for Aqueous-Solution-Processed Large-Area Solar Cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2014, 4, 1400135(6pp). (Impact Factor: 29.7, 中科院一区)

Chen, Z.L.; Zhang, H.; Yu, W.L.; Li, Z.B.; Hou, J.D.; Wei, H.T.; Yang, B. Inverted Hybrid Solar Cells from Aqueous Materials with a PCE of 3.61%. Adv. Energy Mater. 2013, 3, 433-437. (Impact Factor: 29.7, 中科院一区)

Ding, D.; Li, H.; Li, J.N.; Li, Z.B.; Yao, H.Z.; Liu, L.; Tian, B.B.; Su, C.L.; Chen, F.M.; Shi, Y.M. Effect of Mechanical Forces on Thermal Stability Reinforcement for Lead Based Perovskite Materials. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2019, 7, 540-548. (Impact Factor: 14.5, 中科院一区)

Zhang, X.M.; Ye, S.S.; Zhang, X.; Li, Z.B.; Wu, S.; Zhang, J.H.; Wang, T.Q.; Yang, B. Panchromatic Plasmonic Color Patterns: from Embedded Ag Nanohole Arrays to Elevated Ag Nanohole Arrays. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2013, 1, 933-940. (Impact Factor: 8.1)

Ye, S.S.; Zhang, X.M.; Chang, L.X.; Wang, T.Q.; Li, Z.B.; Zhang, J.H.; Yang, B. High-Performance Plasmonic Sensors Based on Two-Dimensional Ag Nanowell Crystals. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2014, 2, 779-787. (Impact Factor: 10.1, 中科院一区)

Wang, S.L.; Wang, T.Q.; Ge, P.; Xue, P.H.; Ye, S.S.; Chen, H.X.; Li, Z.B.; Zhang, J.H.; Yang, B. Controlling Flow Behavior of Water in Microfluidics with a Chemically Patterned Anisotropic Wetting Surface. Langmuir 2015, 31, 4032-4039. (Impact Factor: 4.3)

Fang, L.P.; Li, Y.F.; Chen, Z.L; Liu, W.D.; Zhang, J.N.; Xiang, S.Y.; Shen, H.Z.; Li, Z.B.; Yang, B. Tunable Polymer Brush/Au NPs Hybrid Plasmonic Arrays Based on Host-Guest Interaction. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2014, 6, 19951-19957. (Impact Factor: 10.4, 中科院一区)



本科: 吉林大学化学学院二等奖学金(2010/2011)


硕士: 吉林大学化学学院一等奖学金(2011/2012)







博士: 吉林大学化学学院三等奖学金(2016/2012)





国家自然科学基金-青年项目,紫膜蛋白/ATP合酶复合组装体的构筑与光合磷酸化物性研究, 2023-01  2026-12, 30, 主持。

中国科学院胶体、界面与化学热力学重点实验室开放研究基金, 细菌视紫红质与 ATP 合酶的共组装与物性研究, 2021-08 2023-08, 5万元, 主持。

山东省自然科学基金-青年基金, 肽基纳米材料在半导体传感器中的应用, 2022-01 至今, 15万元, 主持。

中国博士后科学基金-面上项目, 电化学原子力微区原位探索二维材料电催化产氢过程, 2020-01 至今, 8万元, 主持。